Custom Product Warranty

We offer a Limited Lifetime Warranty on select custom RAD products. This warranty does not cover abuse, misuse, or modifications. Any modifications will VOID the warranty. Abuse and misuse are determined at my discretion upon receipt of the product.

Refund Policy

If you would like a REFUND on your product, it will not be granted until we have spoken and the product is in my possession and has been inspected by me. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns regarding your product.


Be sure to enter and verify the correct billing and shipping address at the time of purchase. Most products are shipped via United States Postal Service "USPS" or UPS in the United States. International customers assume all liability and responsibility for shipping risks. Shipping and delivery times are approximate and not guaranteed.

"SPA" Treatments

There is a minimum charge of $200 and return shipping fee. Depending on the extent of cleaning and/or refinishing work required, this fee may increase. Repair costs will not be quoted until the product is in hand. Additional request for modification to completed knives are at my discretion.